Thursday, March 5, 2009

Where's the attention??

Everybody lives for a goal,a purpose that they strive to achieve,a perfection. What is our country striving to achieve? Dr.Abdul Kalam gave the nation a vision, a goal to reach. How much have we thought about it after he has left office.

Our Nation appears to be moving off track,appears to be loosing its purpose.Almost everything about India is distracting her from her main goal- to build a strong foundation for a strong nation.While there are a few who are working day and night to bring its attention back to the few important issues that would build the country, many dwell in the cream of the problem and have not reached its roots. Our country needs to prioritize.It needs to set aside a few issues that will be given attention not only for 5 years but permanently.Currently though, there is a lot of ambiguity in its prioritizing.

One of the recent events that caught my attention in this context, was the Tamil Nadu strike in support for the Tamils in Sri Lanka.I am not against it, but the way it has been carried out is bothersome.Firstly,it is not 'our' war and our country has a lot to deal with already.Secondly, being a supporter of any particular side is not wrong, but the expression of ones support must be constructive.

It is to education and environment that I would suggest the country's prime importance. These are non-controversial, country building issues that will shift our focus from cast, creed,gender, violence etc to make us see the bigger picture.The picture of building a country for us as its people and maintaining this earth for 'us' as a world.